Facts about Warts on Fingers

Warts are neoplasms, which occur in different parts of the skin, mostly – on the hands, face, neck and Plantae. Although these growths are benign, there is always a likelihood of malignization. Therefore, if you have discovered one or several warts on your fingers or elsewhere, this is not something to be trifled with.

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It is a well-known fact that different types of warts are caused by a different herpesvirus (HPV) and papillomavirus types. Statistically, about 70% of people are infected with these viruses. Some people do not show any symptoms, because their bodies have the potential to prevent viruses from proliferating and affecting the skin. It is a weakened immune system that is to blame for warts on fingers. In turn, the immune system may break down due to a serious disease, stress, improper nutrition, poor ecology, exposure to hazardous chemicals or radiation, depression, etc.

Are warts on fingers contagious?

Yes, they are! Better say, the viruses that cause them are contagious. The high occurrence of warts on hands signifies that because people contact via hands all the time. Once a virus gets on the skin, it penetrates deeper into the blood through tiny cracks and wounds. Blood flow increases in the affected area and fuels the rapid proliferation of cells. Warts begin to appear two to six months after the virus gets into the body. Sometimes it takes less than a couple of weeks for a wart to emerge.

What kind of warts appear on fingers?

About 70% of all warts are so-called common warts. These are rounded nodules 3 to 10 mm in diameter. Most common warts match the skin color, although in some cases they can take on a bright pink, brownish or yellowish shade. They feel rough to the touch, but do not cause tenderness. These warts occur on fingers, hands, and palms. Not infrequently, there is a big parent wart with smaller ones clustering around it.

Why and how do I treat them?

Because warts are a sign of immune dysfunction, it is the immune system that must be addressed first. However, warts themselves must be removed, because:

  • There is always a risk of accidental damage and, consequently, expansion to other areas.
  • Other people are likely to be infected.
  • Even warts with low oncogenicity do pose a risk of cancer.
  • It is quite embarrassing, isn’t it!

There are several wart removal methods. They differ in effectiveness and are not equally good for everyone. These include:

Image Credit: BartekWardziak / Thinkstock
  • Surgical removal (curettage). This method is less common today.
  • Laser treatment is one of the most effective techniques, because it is painless and does not leave scars. This is a big advantage for treatment of warts, which occur on fingers.
  • Cryotherapy (with liquid nitrogen) is effective yet a little more painful and therefore less desirable for treatment of warts that occur on fingers.
  • Electric coagulation is effective when warts are small and not deeply rooted. Because such warts mostly occur on fingers, electric coagulation is a good option.
  • The effectiveness of chemical treatment differs from case to case. It takes a close examination to determine the right medicine in each particular case.

See a doctor!

Using over-the-counter drugs and folk methods without a professional consultation can be dangerous! Because the cause of warts itself – an immune disorder – requires serious treatment, a patient should go for a complex examination prior to doing anything to the growths themselves.


  1. Thanks for helping me understand that it is a must to seek a professional if you want to get rid of your warts. As you mentioned, it is dangerous to use over-the-counter drugs since it is an immune disorder. With that in mind, I will be visiting a doctor this weekend because I am really bothered by growing warts on my face. It all started when I reached the age of 30.

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