ADHD Natural Treatment Options
Chromotherapy is considered to be a very effective kind of therapy nowadays. It is actually color therapy and was known to people for many centuries. Moreover, Ayurveda medicine treated a sick person with the help of color and it produced actual effect. The same can be said about traditional Chinese medicine – it also used color in its medicine practices.
Nowadays color therapy is used for different purposes such as alleviation of depression and anxiety symptoms and it is also used as a ADHD natural treatment in kids frequently.
It is possible for the colors to produce a certain effect on a person – positive as well as negative one. For kids color therapy can be a great option as they frequently unwilling about therapies. Such ADHD natural treatment is comprised of color application for different parts of the body.
Pelvic area is great to be treated with orange color. As it is a red and yellow combination, it transfers kindness and warmth. It is also a color of rising sun and it is a great way to improve mood and shun away depression. Orange is also used for appetite loss and problems with digestion as well as anemia. It can be an ADHD natural treatment for kids. However, it should be taken into consideration that the excess of the color can be fraught with fatigue and brings confusion frequently.
Yellow as ADHD natural treatment is not recommended as a kid with such problems is likely to become even more disturbed. Yellow is a great nervous system booster and this is exactly what is not needed for a kid with ADHD. However, in other cases yellow is great for metabolism rate increase and it also helps with glandular diseases. The area of the color ? solar plexus.
Green as ADHD natural treatment option is really great. It possesses soothing and relaxing character and is believed to be good for concentration. Besides, it relaxes you without making sedate and sleepy. It is one of the most effective colors for hyperactive kids. It is also considered the color effective for heart diseases.
For the throat blue is great. It is frequently used together with green in the therapy as ADHD natural treatment for kids and not only. Blue states for peace and tranquility and it also a great calmer for the nervous system and acts as a stress reliever.
Indigo is considered the color of intuition as well as perception. It is the color for forehead area and it is effective for alleviation of psychological symptoms and anxiety relief. As it is, it can be used as ADHD natural treatment for kids as well. It is also considered to be a color of meditation.
Color therapy is centuries old; however, it refers to traditional and alternative medicine and therefore has no proof. There are no exact research results but the wisdom and experience of many generations, perhaps, should be taken into consideration. Color therapy as ADHD natural treatment is something worth trying in case your kid has got such problems. Besides, knowing about healing properties of colors will always be a useful thing.