Alkaline vs Acid Foods in Psoriasis Diet

Since psoriasis is considered to be a disease directly related to the general condition of human skin, it goes without saying that nutrition and proper diet has a tremendous influence on the course of a given disease. The skin reflects literally all those problems that are hidden inside. Thus proper diet is of utter importance for patients with psoriasis who want to live an active and full-fledged life.

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Importance of Acid-Alkaline Balance in Psoriasis

Proper nutrition in case of psoriasis can help and significantly (or even permanently) get rid of its main manifestations. The skin gets a healthy look, becomes elastic and smooth. And it’s despite the fact that psoriasis itself remains incurable. Modern medicine recommends that patients with psoriasis adhere to a specific diet, which ensures the correct (physiologically normal) acid-alkaline balance of the whole organism.

It has been scientifically recognized that in the human body, alkaline reactions should prevail over-acidic reactions. Naturally, it directly depends on the daily diet, as well as on the everyday emotional state.

It’s very important for patients with psoriasis to bear in mind that their daily diet should consist of at least 70-80% of alkaline-forming foods and only 20-30% of acid-forming products. In other words, alkaline-forming products should be eaten at least 2 to 4 times more often than acid-forming products.

Alkaline vs Acid-forming Foods in Psoriasis Diet

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Let’s scrutinize deeper what is considered alkaline, and what is acid-forming foods.

Alkaline-forming products are as follows:

  • Firstly, almost all fruits, except only cranberries, black currants, some sorts of plums, blueberries, and prunes. It is important, however, to say that such alkaline fruits as apples, melons and bananas are not recommended to eat with other products. Eat them best as a separate food. In addition, it is important to eat citrus fruits and their juices separately from any whole-grain and dairy products.
  • Secondly, most of vegetables. In this case, all legumes, Brussels sprouts and large-fruited pumpkin is an exception. With psoriasis avoid eating any veggies from the nightshade family, first of all tomatoes, starchy potatoes, bell peppers, and eggplants.

Products that are not alkaline-forming, but also boosts alkalinity of the body:

  • Adding lecithin to food or drinks
  • Fresh lemon juice squeezed in a glass of hot or cold water is a great alkaline booster!
  • Grapes, apricot, pears and papayas juices. Mango, pineapple, grapefruit or orange juices work well also
  • Almost all fresh vegetable juices (namely carrots, celery, beets, parsley, spinach, onions, etc)
  • Positive emotions are EXTREMELY important to normalize the patient’s condition

Try to avoid or minimize these acid-forming products:

  • Starch, sugar, as well as too much fats or oils
  • Meat, almost all cereal products, cheeses, sugar and potatoes
  • Dried legumes
  • Products with preservatives, artificial additives, or coloring agents
  • Any alcohol

Needless to say, that combination of such products in large quantities provokes a powerful acid reaction and thereby worsens the condition of patients with psoriasis.

What Products Are also Good to Include in Psoriasis Diet

  • Overeating is strictly prohibited, and even those products that are completely permitted by the diet
  • Very important to drink at least 6-8 glasses of water daily, in addition to all other liquids consumed or eaten, both before and after meals
  • Eat as much fresh fruits and vegetables as you can.
  • Foods rich in vitamin B cleanse your intestines and improves skin condition (rye bread, almonds, almost any fish, soy milk, buckwheat, raw peas, egg yolks)
  • Eat high-quality extra virgin olive oil – that’s incredibly effective natural laxative (1/2 spoonful 3 times a day)

Follow these simple tips and enjoy the beauty and health of your skin!

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