Cistanche Tubulosa: Your Stamina and Libido Booster
A sedentary lifestyle is literally a silent killer of us, modern people. In fact, long sitting with a lack of fresh oxygen and very often legs crossed (especially in women) results in stagnation of blood circulation in pelvic organs and legs – that in long perspective means loss of fertility and libido in both men and women. So, science is in constant search of remedies to help.

The studies on the plant Cistanche Tubulosa have shown its great potential to address this problem. This study proved that Cistanche Tubulosa can reverse the quality of damaged sperm, and this one describes greatly improved erectile response after its regular intake due to the fact it contains alkaloids that stimulate blood circulation in the pelvic zone.
The herb Cistanche Tubulosa, also known as “the root of life in the desert”, is a parasitic plant, growing in harsh desert conditions and particularly widespread in China. The plant has a range of valuable healing properties and is widely used in the eastern countries’ herbal medicine, especially in traditional Chinese medicine. Traditionally, Chinese people use Cistanche Tubulosa to boost potency, heal certain disorders of the prostate gland. Its therapeutic effect is 5 times stronger than ginseng. The herb has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, estrogenic, laxative, immunomodulating, antitumor, and other properties. It is used as a diuretic to heal inflammatory processes of the genitourinary tract (cystitis, nephritis, pyelonephritis).
Health benefits
Cystanche Tubulosa is an active component of many biologically active supplements and vitamin complexes. Due to its antioxidant properties, the plant has a beneficial effect on brain cells, protects them from damage and premature aging, activates memory processes. It influences the body in an adaptogenic way, namely, it helps the body to adapt to different abnormalities and balance hormones.
Cystanche Tubulosa is so effective due to its unique chemical composition, which contains organic acids, sterols, phenols, lignans, lots of a significant number of flavonoids (0.55%).
Therapeutic properties of Cystanche Tubulosa (antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating, neuroprotective) were confirmed by numerous studies by scientists in China and Japan, which proved the ability of the plant to stimulate liver regeneration under the action of hepatotoxins as well as bone marrow cells due to radiation exposure. It also contributes to the improvement of cognitive functions (concentration of attention and mental activity) and has a general toning effect. Apart from these properties, the herb can boost stamina and stimulate hair growth, especially in men. It is also a great memory and learning skills booster due to its ability to stimulate nerve growth.
There is more information on the health benefits of the herb Cystanche in this video.
Dosage, contraindications and side effects
The herb is 100% safe to use and has no addicting properties, it was officially confirmed by the American Herbal Products Association. Recommended daily dose to take is 1-2 grams per day.
There are almost no side effects at Cystanche Tubulosa intake. Still, there are precaution recommendations not to use the herb in case of diarrhea. In some cases, individual intolerance is possible. During pregnancy and lactation, it’s better to restrain from supplements with Cystanche Tubulosa. Also, do not give it to small children and to people suffering from allergies.